Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Little Lamb

Elijah was a little lamb in this year's pre-school Christmas program and he did a great job. He probably was the cutest lamb in the flock!! The children did a fantastic job with the play and then sang songs for all the families. What a wonderful time!
Elijah and a classmate during the play.
My little lamb.
Looking so handsome before we left.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Holidays.....

.....from our home to yours.
Yes, that is snow falling!

Perfect Attendance

Carter had perfect attendance for the first quarter in school and his achievement was recognized yesterday at an assembly. Parents were invited and we loved seeing Carter so proud. We also enjoyed seeing how well behaved he was during the assembly. All the kindergartners were invited which made Carter feel even more special.
Way to go, Buddy!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

The boys made their trip to see Santa and eagerly gave him their lists. Santa listened and then reminded them that he is always watching. Carter, as always, loved Santa and this year Elijah did great! (Some of you may remember last year's picture with the tears)
Happy Holidays to you all and we hope you get everything on your list....just remember he knows who is naughty and who is nice!