Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Day in the Life of McGraw....

Elijah enjoys his lunch, while McGraw just waits......

100th Day

Carter celebrated his 100th Day of school today. Kindergarten made crowns and Carter chose to decorate his with 100 animal stickers. It is hard to believe that my baby has been a kindergartner for 100 days already. The year is just flying by even with many snow days! Enjoy the pictures of our little King!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More Snow Fun!

We spent last Sunday at Mimi and Poppy's enjoying some outdoor fun. We built a fort and went sleigh riding and had a snowball fight....SO MUCH FUN!!
The greatest thing about these pictures is the wide open space. It is nice to know that there are still places in the Lehigh Valley that have not been filled with industrial parks or housing developments. There are still places where the farmers care enough to put their land in preservation and not sell out....and the result is a great place to sleigh ride in the winter!

The below pictures are the fort that we built...


We took the boys for their first Hibachi experience last night. We had a great time and Carter and Eli loved it. (except for the big flame that started the show) Elijah asked if we can go back for his birthday celebration!

Chopstick 101


This Winter has been filled with snow! Every week a new system moves in and drops fresh accumulations. This means lots of snow days (we are up to 6 at the writing of this post) and a lot of playtime and sledding. I can not remember a Winter like this for a long time and we are enjoying every bit of it. Carter and Elijah are now waiting for a HUGE storm to come through and drop at least a foot or two of snow!!

Science Guys

One of Carter's top Christmas gifts was a science kit. The boys and I spent a snowy afternoon doing some experiments.
"Growing" crystals.
Changing the color of liquids.

After all that science, Eli takes a cookie break!