Thursday, July 3, 2008

Loaders and Tractors and Trucks...Oh My!!!

My parents live "out in the country" and they are lucky enough to have farmland all around them, it is preservation which means they will see NO new houses around them! A bonus to having a field in your backyard is the one day a year that the crop is the operation took place. We missed the huge tractor cutting the wheat down but we did see the baler come through and gather what was left behind, dropping bales of hay as he went. There was also a loader that picked up all the left over bales and loaded them onto the awaiting tractor trailers....really cool stuff. We enjoyed watching the farmer and his men carry out the task at hand. They worked like a well oiled machine and in no time it seemed the job was done and they moved on to the next field. Carter watched intently and made sure to wave every time the farmer passed.

Here Carter stands in front of one of the bales. I thought for sure the bale would be taller than him but as you can see I was way off! Always helpful, he pulled a large stick out of this bale....maybe we have a future farmer on our hands.

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