School Update
This week we made play dough for school. Carter was amazed with the whole process. He couldn't believe that we could mix ingredients, cook and stir them over the stove and end up with play dough after a few minutes. He was also very interested in mixing colors to create new colors...i.e. red and yellow make orange. All in all it was a very fun project and with the exception of mommy helping to measure the ingredients Carter did it all himself and was very proud to tell Mrs. McAtee that he did so. When finished our project yielded green, orange, pink and yellow play dough. There is no artwork to share as Carter and his class are working very hard on their special projects for the Dad's breakfast in March. Aside from that Carter continues to learn the calendar and is working on his letters and numbers. Miss Kelly, his therapist also visited and left a very good report. A good week at school, indeed! Way to go buddy!
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