Monday, May 18, 2009

Something to Believe in....

Okay so from the previous post you all know that Carter and I did major yard work yesterday and after leaving the vegetable garden we kept the ball rolling and began to weed the all of our flower beds.

Still thirsting for knowledge Carter began to ask me about all of our different flowering plants, concentrating on the ones that were blooming. He touched one of the blooms and asked, "Mommy, what is this one called?!" I glanced and noticed the tiny pink and white blooms and responded, "That is a bleeding heart."

I held my breath and waited to bombarded with more questions....."Why a bleeding heart if there is no blood?"...."If I squeeze it then will I see blood?"......."Does my heart have blood?"......But nothing! Not one single question about how or why this plant had such a name! I let out my breath and continued working as did Carter.

It was quite a bit later when we started to plant some left overs around our gardens and I asked Carter where he thought we should plant the larkspur and he responded......"Over there, Mommy! Right next to the Believe in Heart!"

What a wonderful gift Carter gave me yesterday.....He and Elijah give me something to BELIEVE in every single day! A simple confusion of words reminded me that no matter what, I can believe in my boys and my famliy and for a moment all was right with my little world!

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