Thursday, August 12, 2010

Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Trip

We visited Jeven and Julie a couple of weeks ago and managed to do a lot of fun stuff and have a great time together in very short period of time! We were very excited for this visit, we had not been to J&J's new apartment yet and Carter had requested to visit the Statue of Liberty and the boys also wanted to ride the subway.
Much credit goes to Brian who drove in and did a great job handling quite a mess (traffic) both going into the city via the Holland Tunnel, as well as coming out of the city the next day. I know I was beginning to feel a little queasy about 30 minutes into sitting in traffic and I was only occupying the passenger's seat.
Once we hit the Brooklyn Bridge it was smooth sailing and our fun began.
Here is a view of the bridge from the Brooklyn side. All of the green that you see under it is an awesome park system that is still in progress. A truly amazing project!
Love this one! The guys strolling down the promenade and checking out the NYC skyline.
Family is everything!
(Yes, I am a freak...see those tiny gaps in the fence? I was scared to death the boys would fall through and land in the river below!)
Happy Little Lansek Family

Eli was done with pictures at this point.

Jeven and I on the ferry waiting to go to Liberty Island.
Daddy, Carter and Aunt Julie taking a break.
Uncle Jeven, Aunt Julie and the boys.
The Lanseks and Lady Liberty
Carter's Heaven on Earth.
Brooklyn water park. The boys loved this place.

Helping Aunt Julie in the kitchen.
Using Uncle Jev's grill for the first time and the steak was delicious!
Cutest kids on the planet.
Some people just aren't cut out for the city life. Eli was so done here!

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