Friday, August 21, 2009

Diaper Free!

Eli asked and then proceeded to use the potty last night. A very big step that makes me so happy(diaper-free days here we come...hopefully), so I decided to let him try out some big boy underwear. What a scream.....I am thinking that we may have an underwear model on our hands! He was definitely working the camera!

Little Bakers

We made peanut butter bars the other day and they were YUMMY! This is one of my favorite things to make with the boys because it is just complex enough to hold their attention and Carter loves to do all the mixing and stirring involved. What could be better than dirtying not only themselves but the whole kitchen?? Even sweeter...the eating the finished product!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

This is What Wrestling Will Get You

Carter and Eli decided to wrestle last night. It was all fun and games until Carter lost his footing (in an attempt to body slam his brother) and fell backwards into our cast iron radiator! OUCH! There were, of course, tears followed by blood, bruising and a huge lump on the noggin. After Carter requested and ate dinner I made the decision to take him to the ER since his cut although not very large seemed deep. He was an excellent boy at the ER and loved telling anyone who would listen about how he got his injuries. After being examined all that he needed was some glue to close the wound...stitches were not necessary, thank goodness. Carter was thrilled that he got to help hand the supplies to the doctor as his wound was cleaned and sealed shut. As we were leaving I felt a huge sense of relief and exhaustion and Carter looked at me and said, "This was SOOO much fun! Can we come back tomorrow?" Classic!

Water Bugs

We have been enjoying Mimi and Poppy's pool now that it seems summer is here and we have had some hot weather. We have settled into a nice routine of late afternoon swimming followed by dinner with Mimi and Poppy. Both boys enjoy the water but Carter has really taken to swimming on his own this season. With his swimmies and intertube he paddles around the pool and is gaining wonderful confidence and has even started putting his whole face in the water. This is a huge step from last year when we could barely get him out of the baby boat to get wet! Eli prefers to chill on mat and play with pool toys...he also tries to splash anyone who isn't paying attention!

Carter and Mimi do some water dancing!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Visit

My cousins, Tara and Courtney, and their families visited us from Rhode Island this weekend. My boys had a great time playing with their 2nd cousins and I enjoyed my time, even though short, with T and Court. Love you guys much and hope to see you again soon.

All five of the great grand kids.
Elijah, Katerina, Michael, Carter and Michele
Such lovely young ladies.
The boys. Carter and Eli loved playing with Mikey!

Vacation Bible School Week and Closing

Last week Carter enjoyed vacation bible school. The theme was Crocodile Dock and he had a great time. Along with learning new bible stories and songs, Carter took an offering everyday and learned about tithing. We also donated food to the church pantry, named Priscilla's Pantry this project helps to give to needy families. We helped Carter to understand that it is good to give and help those who need it. He also enjoyed making new friends and seeing old buddies from pre-school....i.e. Andrea, Elizabeth, Hannah, Eva and Jacob. The whole week ended on Friday night with burgers, hot dogs, a closing program and games! It was a great time.

Carter and Eli enjoy their refreshments.
I had to post this because directly behind this little girl is Carter trying desperately to get his time front and center and she was having none of that. Carter, even though not visible, did sing and have a good time.
Enjoying the games. Both boys won coins and were able to pick from an overflowing prize table.
Popcorn! YUM!

Eli enjoyed himself and also debuted his first ever buzz cut. Looking pretty sharp and all grown up!

To end the evening Brian and I took the boys to Rita's. Watermelon for Eli and blue Raspberry for Carter!

I am thrilled that Carter had such a great week at VBS...growing up VBS was such a big part of our summers and something we looked forward to and I am so glad to see Carter enjoy the same wonderful experience!

Pocono Race Day

My mom and dad had tickets for the Pocono Race last weekend but due to rain delays and then the ultimate rescheduling of the race to Monday, they were unable to attend and passed the tickets along to Brian and Carter. The day was perfect, the seats were excellent and the boys really enjoyed themselves. Brian said initially Carter was a bit freaked out by how loud the cars roared around the track but once they found some headphones to buffer the sound he had a great time. Adding to all the excitement was the fact that Brian's mom and sister were also there and Carter enjoyed hanging with them as well. Thank VERY much, Mimi......both Brian and Carter had a great father/son outing!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mr. Mantis

Carter and I had the coolest we pulled up to the post office I noticed a beautiful praying mantis perched on my car hood. They are just so neat to watch. Carter and Eli watched as I carefully moved him to a nearby bush where he sat and watched the boys as closely as they watched him. Carter was absolutely intrigued at the way 'Mr. Mantis' (oh yea, we named him) moved his head and watched every movement around him. I love bugs so anytime my kids show interest in bugs and nature in general it creates a special moment for me. I answered a lot of questions and then we said good bye to our new friend wishing him the best at his new home in the post office's garden!

A Taste of Summer

It was so hot and humid one day last week that I allowed the boys ice cream cones for lunch! They thought it was so cool and Carter even called me an "awesome mommy"!

Good Enough to Eat

Our garden is spilling forth with produce. Everyday the boys and I are able to harvest vegetables. The boys are also a huge help with pulling the weeds. We have been enjoying zucchini, squash, tomatoes and cucumbers plenty! The veggies are so fresh and delicious that Carter and Eli gobble them right up, plus the boys have a huge sense of pride knowing that they help to maintain the garden! The only mistake we have made was harvesting our carrots early. They are small but very tasty. We know for next year to wait a little bit longer before pulling them. Below are pictures of some of our yummy produce.