Today our Elijah turned 4! Time it seems is flying by and I can't believe my baby is already 4 with an ever growing personality and attitude!!
The day was filled with family, friends, cake, legos, soccer balls and a bounce house of your very own. We hope that all your wishes came true sweet Eli because all of our wishes came true when you arrived and completed our family!! Love you xo
Carter's Spring flower that is decorating the hallway outside of his classroom. Carter loved this project, especially since I introduced him to puffy paint for this beautiful flower.
WOW! So Carter is 6! I thought turning 5 was a big deal but somehow this year's milestone seems bigger. Last year I still had a pre-schooler, now I have a Lego loving kindergartner who is growing at such a rapid pace it is hard for his Dad and I to keep up. You are amazing, Buddy!! You are growing and maturing into such a thoughtful and polite young man and you make us so proud....WE LOVE YOU!
Daddy and Elijah before leaving for their annual pre school Father's Breakfast. They had a lot of fun and Daddy came home with handmade treasures including a tie, place mat and flashlight to name a few. This breakfast is one of Elijah's favorite things about school.
Colin celebrated his 1st Birthday last week. We had a great party with him and he learned how fantastic cake is! We are very lucky to have such an adorable nephew!