Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

So....all the craziness of Easter is over and I am happy say my boys did wonderfully enduring a full 12 hour day with no naps. There was a lot of smiling and laughing and NO meltdowns which was fantastic. Our day started at 7am when the boys tore into their Easter Baskets! Eli really enjoyed the Easter grass.
The Bunny knew to leave Silly Billy the train for Carter. He also left some really cool bunny straws and bunny hoppers. Without much time to play we quickly dressed and headed out the door for church.

After the service we headed back to Mimi and Poppy's house and can you believe the Easter Bunny had been there too?! As you all can see Maggie was eager to help Eli with his goodies.

Carter and Uncle Jeven worked on train "stuff" and hooked up the below train cars which was our centerpiece for lunch.

After a a delicious lunch Carter and Uncle Jeven settled in with a train movie and a little bit of shut eye for Uncle Jev.

You think our day ended there but we had one more stop to make.....Nini's house!! That darn bunny knew visit her house as well. More treats! These must be the best boys in the world!

We had a nice dinner and then Aunt Jenna and Uncle Adam came to join us for dessert and of course some train time. (Yes, everyone who knows Carter has trains for him to play with!) was time to head home. I am not quite sure who was more exhausted...Carter and Elijah or Mommy and Daddy!

From our family....we hope that each and everyone of you had a blessed Easter with the ones that you love!

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