Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The boys had their yearly check-ups this morning. Both boys were well behaved and made me so proud. Eli had to get two shots and was a trooper. Carter didn't have to get any shots and was very happy about that.

Their stats are as follows:

Carter William is 42 inches tall, that is a growth of 6 inches in one year! He weighs 34 lbs. which is gain of 5 1/2 lbs. All else checked out. He recieved a clean bill of health.

Elijah Brian grew one inch in three months and now is 30 inches long. Ever my consistent child he also gained one pound in the last three months and now weighs 20.3 lbs.

Both boys continue to make strides and are thriving. Eli still meets with Kelly once a week and is still doing quite well. He is now a seasoned crawler and is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch him. He has been working hard at pulling himself up and gets up on his knees with ease. He has come close to pulling himself up comletely to standing postion a few times so I am sure that will follow.

Carter is doing well. His speech has improved greatly and he says new things everyday. His word clarity and sounds continue to get better daily. Carter continues to get excellent reports from school which makes us very happy and proud. We are feeling a bit of sadness as the year is beginning to wind down and summer break will soon be here.

Carter and Elijah are truly the most wonderful blessings in our lives and everyday we are thankful for the opportunity to watch them grow and flourish.

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