Friday, February 13, 2009

School Update: Hearts and Valentines

This week at school came with some warmer weather and the opportunity to play outside on the playground. This really delighted Carter as he has been patiently waiting to utilize the huge Noah's Ark. The class also had their Valentines party on Thursday. I arrived a bit early for pick up and watched from the window as the kids had a blast doing the limbo and then the parents were invited in to do the chicken dance!

Below is Carter's box that is now holding all of his Valentine treats. All of his friends at school were so generous with treats that we are pulling one Valentine each day to read and then enjoy the treat. (We are trying to avoid the sugar high that Halloween created!!) These two pictures show the front and back of the box.

Carter distributes his Valentines among the boxes of all of his friends.
This was our Valentine gift from Carter and I LOVE it!!
Cut and pasted especially for Mommy!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Wonderful artwork, it just keeps getting better. I, too love your valentine~it is delightful.