Monday, March 30, 2009

Walking the Path

We enjoyed our first nice long walk on the path this past weekend (about 4 miles). Carter was so happy to get out and let loose a little bit. First, I must say Carter walked the whole time...that's a lot of walking'!! He also enjoyed exploring and found railroad ties and enjoyed trekking off the path to a little stone bridge. Elijah, no longer satisfied to ride and watch all the action, did a lot of walking too!
It was so great to see green starting to pop out everywhere along the path.....the ducks seemed happy about it too and were happily quacking and flying overhead. We also saw a mommy and daddy duck nesting....which Carter thought was very cool. We can't wait until the ducklings hatch and hope to catch a glimpse of them!! It is so pleasing to watch the boys explore and enjoy nature as Brian and I love the outdoors.....what a great family day!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

What a great day, I love the one of Brian with the boys.........looks like a father's day card.