Sunday, May 31, 2009
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!
Rocket and Maggie Visit
Memorial Day '09
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Another Birthday Come and Gone
The Pond Project
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
School's Out!: End of the year update.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Something to Believe in....
Still thirsting for knowledge Carter began to ask me about all of our different flowering plants, concentrating on the ones that were blooming. He touched one of the blooms and asked, "Mommy, what is this one called?!" I glanced and noticed the tiny pink and white blooms and responded, "That is a bleeding heart."
I held my breath and waited to bombarded with more questions....."Why a bleeding heart if there is no blood?"...."If I squeeze it then will I see blood?"......."Does my heart have blood?"......But nothing! Not one single question about how or why this plant had such a name! I let out my breath and continued working as did Carter.
It was quite a bit later when we started to plant some left overs around our gardens and I asked Carter where he thought we should plant the larkspur and he responded......"Over there, Mommy! Right next to the Believe in Heart!"
What a wonderful gift Carter gave me yesterday.....He and Elijah give me something to BELIEVE in every single day! A simple confusion of words reminded me that no matter what, I can believe in my boys and my famliy and for a moment all was right with my little world!
Big Helper
The Close of Another School Year
It is hard to believe that the end of the school year is upon us but somehow it is May and I am left wondering how it is time has flown by.... Wasn't it just September? Didn't the year just start? I am having a hard to wrapping my brain around the idea that next year will mark the last of Carter's pre-school years and when we enter the building next September Carter will enter as a Senior!
This year has been full of challenges and triumphs for Carter. He has grown and matured so much since starting the year and we couldn't be more proud. Carter continued to have an IU support teacher visit his classroom twice a month and even though tough at times Carter met and surpassed most of the goals that Miss Kelly set for him at the start of the year. Quite an accomplishment for our Carter!
Mrs. McAtee and Miss Marie must be thanked! Carter absolutely loves both of them. Their support and kind words are more appreciated than they will ever know!
Tomorrow is the last day of school and Carter and his classmates will celebrate with a pizza party! Be sure to check back for pictures as I am sure it will be a great day of pizza, games and fun!