Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Several weeks ago Brian and I took the boys to Steamtown right in Scranton. It's crazy that we live so close to this fantastic museum centered around an operating train yard and we have never been there. We picked a day in the middle of the week which allowed us to have the whole place to ourselves. The boys, especially Carter, loved it!

Entering the museum and already overwhelmed with the number of trains that surrounded us.

This particular train was cut open on the one side to follow all the pipes and parts that make the train GO! Pretty cool.
Outside on the turntable.
This was inside the roundhouse which is still in operation. The day we were there several trains were inside being refurbished.

Old postal train. Completely awesome. The pigeon holes that held long ago mail still had the original recipient names attached.
Yes he is yelling "ALL ABOARD"!!
My favorite guys.
Carter loved the museum and all the interesting facts and pictures that it offered.
The railway outside of the museum has engines and cars everywhere. These are just a few pictures that I took.

The Springtime will offer train rides leaving right from the above turntable. Anyone who is interested in a train ride should let us know. The more the merrier for any train adventure!

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