Thursday, April 16, 2009

School Update: Birthday Celebration

Today Carter returned to school after a very LONG Easter break. He was so happy to get back and see his friends and teachers. Today was also special because Carter had his birthday celebration. Eli and I went and spent a good portion of the morning with Carter and his class and had a great time. Carter has a fantastic class and excellent teachers which has made for a wonderful year.

The Birthday Boy.
Handing out the napkins for snack.
Snack time!
Carter and friends enjoy some free play. Be sure to look for Eli getting into the mix with the big kids.

Carter and Miss Marie work on a very special craft.
Line leader heading out to the playground.
Eli and Shayna enjoy the playground. Nice smiles!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Thanks for sharing Carter's special day at school. It looks like it was a great party!