Sunday, May 4, 2008

Banner Day

Today was a fabulous day not just because the sun finally came out but because today Carter wore big boy underwear all day! This is the day I have been waiting for.....the breakthrough day as I will refer to it. We have had some minor potty success in the past but it was always me pushing Carter into using the potty and wearing the big boy underwear. For goodness sakes, I bought every possible pair of underwear (i.e. Thomas, Spiderman, Tractors, Firetrucks ect.) just hoping to spark some interest.

We were so brave as to even venture out and run errands without the safety net of diapers or pull-ups and we had NO accidents. The best part is that Carter seems so proud of himself. He was willing to go on the potty...ahhh.....the power of a little Skittle.....and he told us he can't wait until tomorrow to use the potty again!


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