Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, America

We celebrated the 4th of July at my Aunt and Uncle's campground. They have their motor home parked at a really nice place called Beaver Valley and the nicest thing is that it is just a short drive to Ottsville. We had a fantastic day......just good old fun. We spent the day relaxing......
.....and eating, of course!

We also explored the river bed at the bottom of the campground. The river was moving pretty good but we could still walk across in spots. Looking upstream was just beautiful and very peaceful.
Here are all the boys (from the left), Carter, Garritt, Bentley, Korey, Elijah and Brian. Garritt and Korey are two of my Aunt's boys.....or should I say men! I can't believe that they are all grown up. (I guess I am kind of dating myself now.)
Korey scales the rocks looking for frogs for Mister Carter.When catching frogs didn't work out, Korey and Carter overturned rocks looking for salamanders. Korey was able to catch one Sally which really pleased Carter.
Walking back up the hill was a bit challenging but we made it without too much moaning and groaning......thank you for that, Carter.
Brian and Carter enjoyed the swimming pool. Carter liked both the "big" pool and "baby" pool. husband.....the pyro! Brian held out for a few hours but it finally got the better of him and he had to get a fire started.
Carter and Poppy really enjoyed toasting marshmallows. Carter enjoyed the toasting process but really didn't enjoy eating the marshmallows.....he said they were too hot!

Rocket chills out and relaxes. He is so cute and loveable!

Thank you so much Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Keith for a fun day....we can't wait to visit again!!

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