Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Night #1 Sans Be-Be

Last night began our journey into a pacifier-free world. I must admit I was expecting the worst....you know....screaming, crying, kicking, flailing of the body. A good old fashion tantrum. Instead Carter whined for a little over an hour for be-be....we held strong and keep telling him NO and reminding him that be-be was gone and he was a big boy that didn't need a pacifier.

He eventually began to realize that he wasn't winning the battle and actually gave up! He fell asleep without be-be and proceeded to sleep through the night be-be free.....a true miracle!!

Dr. Wyke told us that it usually takes about 3 days for children to get that the pacifier has gone on to a better place and they stop asking for it. One day down and (hopefully) only two more to go.

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